St. Thomas Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Cathedral, Manthalir
St. Thomas Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Cathedral, Manthalir
Ward prayer meetings & Kudumba Unit prayer meetings are held on all Sundays and are functioning very well in our Church. Members are obliged to attend the prayer meetings with family, which helps the members to have close contact and communication with the fellow ward/Kudumba Unit Members. Ward prayer meetings are held on all Sundays except on the respective Kudumba Unit Prayer meeting.
Ward prayer groups have the right to propose a member from each ward to the Church Managing Committee every year to represent their ward. Therefore the Church Managing Committee contains representatives from all the 14 wards.
Ward prayer/Kudumba Unit prayer groups are actively involved in all church activities. During the Valia Nombu Period, nombu prayers are held in all 14 wards and 4 Kudumba Units as per the ‘Nombukala Prayer meeting schedule’.
Church members are geographically divided into 14 wards and these ward prayer groups are consolidated/divided into 4 Kudumba Unit prayer groups as follows:
1. St. Gregoriose Kudumba Unit (Ward 1,2,3)
Kudumba Unit prayer meeting : 1st Sunday of every month.
Kudumba Unit Secretary : Mr. P.C. Joseph, Puthenpura Thekkethil
2. St. Elias Kudumba Unit (Ward 4,5,6).
Kudumba Unit Prayer meeting : 2nd Sunday of every month.
Kudumba Unit Secretary: Dr. Jose D. Kaippallil
3. St.George Kudumba Unit (Ward 7,12,13,14).
Kudumba Unit Prayer meeting: 3rd Sunday of every month.
Kudumba Unit Secretary: Mr. T.S. Cherian, Thottathil
4. St.Peters Kudumba Unit (Ward 8,9,10,11)
Kudumba Unit Prayer meeting: 4th Sunday of every month.
Kudumba Unit Secretary: Mr. Thomas Easo, Ennazhiyil